31 Days of Handy Home Fixes | Pretty Handy Girl

Welcome to Day 6 of my 31 Days of Handy Home Fixes. So you finally upgraded to an HE washer. You have to be careful because if you don’t take care of it you’ll have a stinky funky mess. Funky music = good. Funky washer = bad! The HE washers (front load especially) are air tight, which can be the perfect environment for growing mold.

Have no fear, this tip will take 30 seconds of your time! Keeping your HE washer funk free and like new is super easy.

Day 5. How to Keep Your HE Washer Funk Free

After each wash load,  grab a dry wash cloth or rag and wipe off the door.

Then wipe out the gasket (top to bottom) to remove any water and moisture. This is the main area that will get mildewy first. Gently pull the gasket towards you to get into the fold.

Open the detergent dispenser drawer and wipe out any visible moisture. Finally, leave the detergent drawer and washer door open to thoroughly air out your washer.

If you are already stuck with a funky washer, follow these tips for cleaning it out and eliminate any odors. Be sure to read the comments because my readers have a bunch of tips to help keep your washer clean!


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Other tips in the 31 Days of Handy Home Fixes series:

6 replies
  1. Kathy Hardess
    Kathy Hardess says:

    So helpful! I sometimes clean the gasket, but I never cleaned the front door. I should do this more often.
    What I always do, however, is using vinegar to get rid of bad smells. It ALWAYS works – vinegar is magic. But I never used it with baking soda inside the drum.
    Thanks for the tip!

  2. 【激安市場】★今夜20時~4H限定P10倍★【送料無料/即納】カウンターチェア
    【激安市場】★今夜20時~4H限定P10倍★【送料無料/即納】カウンターチェア says:

    は基本的にこの対象トピックのアップ日にフォローアップするサイト、あなたが知っているしたい基本的にはどのくらいのかなり私はあなたにかかった時間愛さ農産物この貴重なポスト。ポストの中で、あなたが実際すべて簡単にこの問題を扱う 方の話を聞きました。これは、収集するために私の喜びであろういくつかのはるかあなたインターネットから提案ページと来るようなかなり申し出他人として私はあなたから学びました。 多くのいつもの素晴らしい努力に感謝。これについて|私は常に新しいコンテンツ素材コンテンツにアップデートをしたいと思い

  3. Vanessa D.
    Vanessa D. says:

    I’m convinced that liquid fabric softener residue contributes to mold growth on the gasket so I try to avoid using it. Especially since my washing machine always has a load of washed laundry in it waiting for it’s turn in the dryer.


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